by Saundra Mitchell
180 pages
From Inside Cover:
Summer in Ondine, Louisiana, is always predictable: hot and boring.
Not this one.
This summer, Iris is fourteen. This summer she doesn't have to make up spooky stories for excitement. Because a real one falls right into her lap.
Years ago, before she was born, a teenager named Elijah disappeared. All that remains of him are whispers. Until this summer. A ghost begins to haunt Iris, and she's convinced it's the ghost of Elijah.
What really happened to him?
And why, of all people, has he chosen Iris?
My thoughts:
When I finish a book that really gets me-you know the kind-it won't leave your mind. I usually Google the author and try to find out more about them. I discovered a couple of things about Saundra Mitchell that made me laugh out loud such as-she has been a phone psychic! And a fabulous quote where she states "If Romeo and Juliet were 30, they wouldn't be tragic-they'd be pathetic." It made me snort-laugh.
Just a couple of things I had to share.
On with the review....
Shadowed Summer is a quick little page turner that is filled with mystery and suspense.
I picked this book up over the Halloween weekend hoping it would give me chills and thrills-OH....IT DID!
Saundra Mitchell does a beautiful job of capturing the southern comfort of Louisiana with language and descriptions that made me feel the hot, sticky air of a summer down south.
A ghost hunt that involves a Ouija board, old newspapers and the long forgotten death of a teenage boy named Elijah who is hell bent on delivering a message to Iris. This is not the long, boring summer she thought it would be! Shadowed Summer is a perfectly spooky tale filled with twists and turns. A story that won't leave your thoughts after the last page.
I recommend this book for readers 12 and up.